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Argus Cyber Security - The Argus DevSecOps Global Roadshow
The Argus DevSecOps Global Roadshow

The Argus DevSecOps Global Roadshow

We are excited to announce that the Argus DevSecOps Global Roadshow is coming to a location near you!

What to Expect:
Our workshop will showcase how the Argus DevSecOps platform expedites all stages of product development by seamlessly integrating security across different phases. This leads to quicker, more efficient development cycles.

Customizable On-Site Workshops:
We can host the event at your headquarters, tailoring it to your specific needs and live environment.

Workshop Agenda:
Introduction and demo of the Argus DevSecOps platform for all stakeholders.

Design Phase (45 min): For Security Architects, featuring a detailed product presentation, discussion on cybersecurity design challenges, and demos of Argus Security AutoDesigner and Cyber Configurator.

Software Development Phase (60 min): For Development Leaders, DevOps, and Cybersecurity Professionals, introducing Argus Code Security Manager and Security AutoTester, discussing cybersecurity processes, and optional demo of ECU security testing.

Integration & Testing Phase (60 min): For Project Managers, Integrators, Testers, and Cybersecurity Professionals, overviewing Argus Supply Chain Security, live demonstrations, and open discussion.

Don’t Miss This Unique Opportunity!
Gain invaluable insights and strategies tailored to your organization’s needs. To schedule your customized workshop please contact us.

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